Milton Ezrati offers seven reasons why the Double-Dip scenario is unlikely.1. The Consumer Seems Firm Enough2. Housing Data Are Misleading on Two Sides3. Business Spending and Exports Are Awfully Strong for a Dip4. Overall Production Levels Look Fairly Good, Too5. Employment Does Not Look Threatening, Either6. Financial Markets Are Healthier Than the Headlines Imply7. China Continues to GrowNouriel Roubini recommended: "Fasten your seat belts for the very bumpy ride" "as the optimists' delusional hopes for a rapid V-shaped recovery evaporate, the advanced world will be at best in a long U-shaped recovery, which in some cases – the eurozone and Japan – may be long enough to stretch into an L-shaped near-depression. Avoiding double dip recession will be difficult."
"[R]ecovery in emerging markets - the great hope for the global economy - will suffer, because no country is an island economically. Indeed, growth in many emerging-markets - starting with China - is highly dependent on retrenching advanced economies."