
Beast - Bukowski

my beast comes in the afternoon
he gnaws at my gut
he paws my head
he growls
spits out part of me

The likelihood of a double-dip


¿No hacer nada y dejar que los traficantes impongan su ley?

México: ¿Pax mafiosa, imperio de la ley o cambio de paradigma? por Luis Astorga

"Dos sopas: legalizar o colombianizar" por Denise Dresser

"Greed is good"

Gordon Gekko Reborn by Nouriel Roubini

"[G]reed cannot be controlled by any appeal to morality and values. Greed has to be controlled by fear of loss, which derives from knowledge that the reckless institutions and agents will not be bailed out."


The Myth of Authoritarian Growth

"The relationship between a nation's politics and its economic prospects is one of the most fundamental – and most studied – subjects in all of social science. Which is better for economic growth – a strong guiding hand that is free from the pressure of political competition, or a plurality of competing interests that fosters openness to new ideas and new political players?"