
Economics Profession

Como respuesta a la crisis económica y financiera actual Akerlof y Stiglitz señalan la necesidad de nuevos desarrollos en la teoría económica. Recomiendan alejarse del equilibrio competitivo y la racionalidad de los agentes, y enfocarse en la economía experimental "Behavioral Economics", modelos de redes, modelos basados en agentes, modelos de innovación.

"[W]hile some economists were pushing the idea of self-regulating, fully efficient markets that always remain at full employment, other economists and social scientists have been exploring a variety of different approaches. [vs.] These include agent-based models that emphasize the diversity of circumstances; network models, which focus on the complex interrelations among firms (such as those that enable bankruptcy cascades); a fresh look at the neglected work of Hyman Minsky on financial crises (which have increased in frequency since deregulation began three decades ago); and innovation models, which attempt to explain the dynamics of growth."

Source: Project Syndicate

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