
WSJ survey

Findings of the last (Nov09) WSJ survey:

"On average [analysts] expect the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates around September 2010, a politically sensitive time considering midterm elections will be right around the corner and unemployment is forecast to still be over 9.5%."

"Emerging markets and commodities are the most likely places for another bubble to develop, according to economists, but they only put slightly better than 1-in-3 odds of such an unsustainable run-up in asset prices occurring in the next two years."

"More than half of the respondents see a U-shaped recovery with some slowness followed by solid growth, and 31% forecast a stronger, V-shaped recovery. Just 11% of economists expect an L-shaped rebound where economic activity stabilizes at a low level, and only 7% see a double-dip recession—another drop in gross domestic product after a short rebound—as the most likely scenario."

Charts & Data

Source: WSJ

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